no kids, no dogs, no mortgage. ok, maybe a mortgage.
It's not that I'm lazy. I just don't care.
Ahhh, downtown park. Nobody making a party!
It’s Memorial Day weekend, 55° outside and this is our view for brunch. 💯
He really likes a good cardboard box
He really doesn't like Mondays.
We really need to use our balcony more.
The one place for pan dulce in Seattle is just as good as any place in Houston. Who knew!?
Who would have thought they know how to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Washington state??
It has chocolate!!
This really sums up the rainy and cold day at home.
It's good to be home.
I like the walk up service
Boy likes to get an early start on Caturday.
And the mountain is out today.
We like spring break cruising on the ferry to Bainbridge island.
We strolled through the gardens and I got a few nice shots - including a local coney.
Whole bunch of snow so close to home.